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Montana Department of Environmental Quality Draft Environmental Assessment

Pacific Steel and Recycling submitted the Application  to MT DEQ. Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MT DEQ) developed  the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) from the application. MT DEQ issued the draft EA to the October 20, 2023 public, via written letter that wasn't received until 3 days in to the 10 day public comment period.


Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests:


We submitted several FOIA requests from DEQ and various agencies. (Due to the size and amount of these files, only select files will be uploaded here, please contact Stop the Shepherd Landfill directly for copies of the FOIA request files.


a) Most of the the DEQ FOIA requests are incomplete or flat out wrong (submitted wrong records from what was requested), see a summary sheet here: 

i) DEQ FOIA Request Summary Sheet (see request number 5 for the requested charge of $4,191 for PUBLIC RECORDS.


b) City of Billings FOIA Request Response Letter, requesting $6,929. After a Yellowstone County News newspaper article was published about this outrageous cost, the city ended up handing over the files for free. 



This material safety data sheet shows the composition of ASR and multiple sections of safety/health information that is impacted by that composition.


"ASR waste streams tend to be heterogeneous and will vary daily depending on the feedstock." Which means the containment composition is going to vary.


The PCB concentration must be determined prior to shredding and must be <2ppm. If the concentration of the original feedstock is >2 ppm, you cannot reuse or recycle that material under any circumstances even if the recycling process would result in a finished product with <2 ppm." Pacific Steel's concentration tests average over 10 ppm. Click here to view the analysis that was included in their application


Final Environmental Assessment

The Montana Department of Environmental Quality issued the Final Environmental Assessment on June 11, 2024, with construction of the landfill commencing June 17, 2024.

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